Itty Bitty Book Bites

Short book reviews of about 500 words which are intended to celebrate the exceptional.

Disclaimer: Book links in each review do use an Amazon affiliate link, which means that I would receive a portion of the sale. It is generally considered better for the author to buy directly from the publisher themselves. I support this and try to include the publisher in each review. If you choose to use Amazon, then I do also appreciate you using my affiliate link, which helps support my ability to write these reviews. I am still 100% in control of what I choose to review, how to review, and express my true opinion.

Poetry Kaitlin Dyer Poetry Kaitlin Dyer

Lisa Fay Coutley’s Host

Lisa Fay Coutley is the author of several poetry collections, of which Host is the most recent. As noted by the book blurb, it “explores parasitic relationships—between men and women, sons and mothers, and humans and the earth—and considers their consequences.”

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Poetry Kaitlin Dyer Poetry Kaitlin Dyer

Victoria Chang’s The Trees Witness Everything

In the 2022 poetry collection from Copper Canyon Press, The Trees Witness Everything, Victoria Chang enters the “big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff,” to quote Doctor Who. As much as this collection is an exploration of waka Japanese form, it is also an exploration of time.

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